Thursday, January 26, 2012

What software do you use when building a website using a wordpress theme?

Other the Dreamweaver, what software would you use?What software do you use when building a website using a wordpress theme?Yeah, ditch Dreamweaver. Building a Wordpress template entails a degree of familiarity with the code that Dreamweaver won't give you.

I personally use gVim (an excellent, powerful text editor), GIMP, and Inkscape when I build Wordpress themes. I also run a full server stack on my computer so that I don't have to constantly upload stuff to some web server for debugging -- so that includes Apache, PHP, and MySQL. Additionally, I use Firefox with a couple of extensions, FireBug and Web Developer, to help me tweak the page designs and debug any Javascript I've written. Then I test in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

I think that's it!What software do you use when building a website using a wordpress theme?You certainly don't need dreamweaver, I'd almost advise against it if you aren't a pro with it already. Stick to a beefed up notepad, like Notepad++ or Notepad2...this will stay out of your way much more effectively and will not have all sorts of extra features that you don't need or understand.

It isn't bad for CSS editing, I just wouldn't mess with it for editing or creating a template.

Other than it, you may want to have GIMP or Photoshop to create or alter images for the template.

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