Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is the best antivirus software available?

I have tried several different antivirus software programs. All of them either did not perform as well as I would have liked, slowed my computer down, or caused other problems. If price is not an issue, what are the best antivirus software programs available? What are the pros and cons of each?What is the best antivirus software available?Kaspersky works goodWhat is the best antivirus software available?
Hi there, Norton is a very good anti virus software and i recommend it as a number one choice. Most computers of today can deal with these big applications so there should not be any reason why your Pc is slowing down unless it is a old one or it may need to need optimized, it could even be infected with a virus or spyware. Anyway i have a link below that can direct you to a software that can help optimize your computer and speed it up, it also does a complete maintenance on it. If the link does not work from here then just copy and paste it in your address bar. Good Luck!鈥?/a>What is the best antivirus software available?I personally think u should get a pay for anti virus and a free scanner like malwarebytes' for the paid i can not say u could pay for malwarebytes but i don'tWhat is the best antivirus software available?
I'd use Norton360 or Trend Micro. There is also some other anti-virus software advertisements on the television.What is the best antivirus software available?for the best protection - Microsoft security essentials and malwarebytes / anti-malware . Both free .run them.What is the best antivirus software available?
antivirus are sucks..! i don't have antivirus on my pc and run very good..! try malwaware anti-malwaware program for your virus.!

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