Thursday, February 2, 2012

What software do photographers use to edit there photos?

Many of the photos I see from photographers look so unrealastic. Don't get me wrong the photos look very good, i just want to know what software, camera, and lenses, there are using for the photos to come out so good.What software do photographers use to edit there photos?the two most commonly used cameras by professionals would be either Canon or Nikon digital SLRs. There are others out there (phase, leaf, sinar digital, etc) that see pro use but these two companies make up the lion's share of the professional market.

With that in mind, most of the pros are using only the best lenses, not the plastic $100 lenses that come with the consumer level cameras as a kit. They are also most likely using the high end cameras such as the 1Ds mk3, D3X, etc. They might be employing lighting techniques that are not readily apparent to you. They understand the image workflow that must take place after the image is captured and they use the tools that retain as much of what is good about the image as possible to process and edit.

The largest reason, however, that professional photos look so good is that they are taken by professional photographers. A true professional is putting their knowledge into every shot and into every step there after. It's the person that makes these images great, not the machines that they use.

My normal workflow looks like this: images captured with Canon EOS 1Ds MK3 in RAW format -%26gt; raw images processed in Capture One Pro into RGB tiff files -%26gt; RGB tiffs get color conversion and sent to retouching -%26gt; retouchers do their magic and return proofs for approval.What software do photographers use to edit there photos?They use a photo manipulation software, called photoshop! i am a photo editor, you can go to my website at, and i only charge $5 per photo for the month of december. I can do a test edit so you can see my results, also for free before you pay, but there will be a water mark on it. You can send photos to, and contact me at and purchase directly from my website with paypal.

Thanks!!What software do photographers use to edit there photos?Usually it starts from the camera, as in if it's taken correctly, in focus, properly exposed, minimal editing is okay. But if the original is badly taken, i.e. way out of focus, badly composed, no program will help. p.s. It does look fake if it's airbrushed to death.

I use Adobe Lightroom 3.3 and Adobe Photoshop CS5E.鈥?/a>What software do photographers use to edit there photos?
well I have a canon, and use photoshop cs3 and 5, and also adobe light room

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